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Pilgrim Badges

Pilgrim badges were sold in the medieval period as souvenirs of pilgrimage. All of the badges below are accurate copies of surviving pewter artefacts. For information on the history of pilgrim badges please refer to the ‘History’ section of the website. Devotional badges are also included in this section.

P41-St Barbara
P41-St Barbara

P41-St Barbara

Saint Barbara was a late 3rd century virgin martyr. Legend says that she was shut in a tower by her pagan father, Dioscorus, where she was converted to Christianity by a disciple disguised as a doctor. Refusing to renounce her new faith, Dioscorus took her to a mountain top where he beheaded her. A tempest then arose and he was struck dead by lightning. Barbara is therefore invoked against thunderstorms and explosions and is the patron saint of artillerymen and gunsmiths. In this badge St Barbara is shown standing next to her emblem of the tower in which she was imprisoned and holding a martyr’s palm.

Original found in the Netherlands.

Late 15th - early 16th century.

21x 33mm. Saint Barbara holding a martyr's palm, standing next to her emblem of a tower.
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